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A shortened way of saying Wage Gap. The use of a dash separates (wa) and (ge) thus creating a wage gap.

The gender wa-ge isn't real.

by CNDPineapple February 9, 2021


Originating from the words "Glamour" and "Backpacking", Glampacking is an adjective used to describe a backpacker with excessive luxuries with them. Use of this term is void if the person cannot fit said items in their pack.

So just because I had a 3 person tent, titanium chair, premium freeze dried food, and a $2,000 sleepsystem I'm "Glampacking?"

by CNDPineapple July 28, 2021

1👍 1👎


The act in which an A10 Thunderbolt lays hell onto anything in its path. This is typically how men describe how large guns with a high rate of fire sound.

"hey look Taliban insurgents- (BRTTT) never mind its just a red mist now."

by CNDPineapple February 9, 2021

3👍 1👎

fluid flush

The act of nutting inside of a female companion then inserting a garden hose into the same hole to preform a "fluid flush" this can also be done with a turkey baster and some warm water to remove the semen and thus preventing procreation.

"oh shit I didn't pull out, we should preform a fluid flush", "Nah screw the condom we can just do a fluid flush when we are done."

by CNDPineapple February 9, 2021