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Possibly one of the most bipolar states in the nation. We love ourselves. No one cares who we are. Known for it's ability to piss people off by flaunting it's statistics and hiding how bad some of the inner cities are. Always first to deny how many jobs are lost but first to report the craziest news they can find - rampant chimpanzees, guys hacking off limbs, power plants exploding, you name it. Way more diverse than it's given credit for, but admittedly people tend to live in similar-race clusters. We have the preps on one end and an wannabe ghetto explosion on the other. We've got Yale to make us look good and Three Rivers for everyone who didn't make it. We have no teams of our own so we can fight over other states' and the biggest in-state game of the season is girl's college basketball. Drive through and you'll see the sprawling mansions and dilapidated cities within miles of each other, see the casinos we use to keep the money flowing in but notice that none of it ever seems to come back out. We fight over the most idiotic things - mad or wicked? Who honestly cares? - and always define ourselves by whether we come from the West or East side of the state. It's a perfect split between 'good' and 'bad' - it all just depends on what side you want to see.

Connecticut - Skyy for the rich and Dubra for the poor. Is it nice? Sometimes. Does it suck? Depends on where you are.

Someone get the state some seroquel.

by CTBorn August 9, 2010

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