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Kaepernickous (/koʊˈpɜ rnɪkəs, kə-/) adj. - The feeling, knowledge or thought that you are doing the right thing or taking necessary action for yourself and/or others, even in the face of adversity, opposition, and/or personal cost.

Homonym of the name Nicolaus Copernicus, who published his findings on Heliocentrism, about the universe with the Sun at the center instead of Earth. Heliocentrism was adopted rapidly by scientists, scholars and astronomers, but vocally rejected by those who refused to accept heliocentrism was correct, and that instead the entire universe revolved around Earth.

Kaepernickous is a modification from the name Colin Kaepernick, who exercised dissent by not standing during the national anthem before football games.

Example: I felt kaepernickous being the only person who remained seated during the standing ovation after what I thought was a rather poor performance.

by CaffienePowered December 4, 2017