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A school filled with insecure low-lifes who have nothing better to do than either bash their cross-town rival, or constantly remind others of how great and prestigious their school is. Yet they fail to realize that ucla grads typically lose job positions to grads from csulb, csuf, and cal poly pomona, schools which are thought of as much less well-respected. what does this prove? prestige means absolutely nothing and it only matters to ignorant, insecure people. guess what, bruins, the competitiveness at your school is all in vain, because you're doing all that work for nothing. look at the csu grads who actually study things that are practical for finding a job, and they study because they're interested, not just for grades that no one will ever look at once you're out of school.

they also stress how hard it is to get into, yeah like anyone really cares what grades you got in 10th and 11th grade and how good you are at taking some random, inaccurate test.

and sports? please, csuf beat ucla's baseball team five times in a row, and csulb beat them three times in a row. also, some csulb students went over to westwood and said that it was boring, and that the cookies at diddy riese sucked. they also kicked the bruin statue on campus and went into the student store and threw ucla attire onto the ground. they also tried the dorm food and said that it sucked too. getting pwned by the underdogs, now huh?

i mean, first they beat ucla at sports, then they insult their territory, and then they're even getting jobs over them. you can never look at the name "UCLA" the same way ever again.

Girl: "Where do you go to school?"

Bruin: "UCLA, of course. one of the top schools in the nation, it's up there with the ivies in prestige and it's well-respected throughout the world."

Girl: "umm okay, well i'm looking through its course catalog and most of the degree programs seem pretty useless and impractical. the ones at csulb actually seem useful, so i wonder who's gonna get the jobs in the end..."

Bruin: *stares back with a gaping mouth and disappointedly surprised expression and thinks to herself, wow i did all this work for nothing and paid extra to go to a school where all the hype is useless*

by Cairorox October 4, 2008

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