Source Code

git gud lul

What hackers say because they're too dumb to think of a defense.

player: "Bro, ur hacking!"
h4ck3r: "n0 1m n07 y0u ju57 n33d 70 git gud lul."

by Captercom October 6, 2020

2👍 3👎


the son of ø∂´˜
the god of †˙¨˜∂´®
the brother of the †®ˆç˚߆´® god ¬ø˚ˆ
heir to the throne of åß©å®∂
he owns a hammer named µ∆øˆ¬˜´ˆ®
you typed thor while holding alt

†˙ø® is super op

by Captercom September 29, 2020