Simultaneously the worst and best thing to happen, ever, in a school. Kahoot is a review game where students create nicknames for themselves and then play in a game where you gain points by answering questions quickly and correctly. THe teacher has the options on the board and you must click the corresponding button.
Kahoot, however, has many problems; if you answer one question incorrectly, it's game over and you have no chance of winning anymore. In addition, if you answer the questions anywhere after 3rd, you will not even make it into the top five, much less the podium.
Person 1: We're playing Kahoot in English today!
Person 2: Time to lose after getting one tiny thing wrong!
Person 3: Time to win because I have a fast mouse sensitivity!
Person 4: Hehe, I'm nicking as Jenny Talls.
The only part of the United States where it's possible to be -10 and 102 degrees on the same day, and also home to the only state and city where uttering the words 'Go Yankees' will get you mauled by angry baseball fans
Example 1:
I'm going to New England- better bring three t-shirts AND my parka!
Example 2:
Person 1: Bro, I just saw a Yankees Fan get mauled by a group of Red Sox fans!
Person 2: Welcome to Boston...
1👍 2👎