Prominent mons veris on a rather masculine woman (French origin: presque = almost, zizi = willy)
Crown Princess Mary's presque-zizi was clearly visible through her red satin frock.
1208👍 995👎
Member of a large bogan family with designs on bettering their place in society. Based on Donaldson - a clan who migrated from Tasmania to Denmark en masse to lay claim to various Danish royal interests.
The Bogansons engaged a Native Title lawyer to enhance their claim to Amalienborg Castle, spooking the Danish Royal Family.
1259👍 1001👎
Ugandan discussions:
Originally referred to a British journalistic euphemism for sexual-intercourse , usually illicit, coined by the satirical magazine Private Eye when dictator Idi Amin Dada (1971-1979) accused one of his ministers, Princess Elizabeth, of having sex in a bathroom while on a diplomatric mission to Europe. Has more recently been applied to Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and his wife, Crown Princess Mary.
Thanks to increased security and press coverage, Crown Prince Frederik's Ugandan Discussions opportunities have been curtailed and he is firmly under guard, walking ten paces behind a Prada-boot-sporting Princess Mary on shopping trips, carrying the kids.
1195👍 1095👎