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Fire Service term used to describe one of the three rotating shifts in a fire department work schedule A,B,C. It can apply to either a 24on/48off or a 48on/96off work schedule. B-Shift is universally recognized throughout the North American fire service as the worst shift on the department. It is typically made up of an all star cast of fuck-ups, fucktards,weirdos, and ass bags that have no business being in the fire service. Poor leadership is at the core of this band of derelicts and B-Shift typically has the highest number of 220's in the service. (220 meaning on the dept. 2 min but acting like they have been there 20 years.) B-Shift typically fucks up on a regular basis and cannot follow simple directions. The basis of many department SOP's and SOG's that come out are usually because of one of these incompetent ass clowns. The Benny Hill theme song should be played over the station alerting system in place of tones when these dip shits catch a run. B shifters are well known for constantly complaining and crying about useless bull shit especially with regard to fuel and def in the rig. They love to write in the station log book all the wonderful things they claim to have done during their shift when in reality they just half assed through it or it never happened.

C shifter 1: "Why is there piss all over the floor in front of the urinal and the kitchen floor feels like honey has been spilled all over it?"
C shifter 2: "Fucking B-shift, those dip shits again"

by Chachbag51 December 15, 2022

Texarkana Wash

Term used in the fire service to describe half ass washing the rig. Typically a Texarkana Wash involves half ass washing everything below the windows, only rinsing off the rear, and doing nothing to the front.

Firefighter 1: "Man we need to wash that pumper today as much as I don't want to"
Firefighter 2: "Let's put a Texarkana Wash on that bitch and call it good"

by Chachbag51 December 15, 2022


1. Verb. To put forth a ridiculous bare amount of effort in the attempt to get away with doing nothing at all

2. Verb. complaining constantly about nothing at all to anyone who will listen even though you they don't give a flying fuck. You can't get a word in edge wise when talking to this person.

3. Noun. a large, especially smelly poo that you have been waiting to get rid of for hours and gives you a great sense of relief to be rid of

1. Quit fucking caffeying and just take out the trash already dude

2. "for the last time, quit caffeying me because no one gives a fuck!"

by Chachbag51 October 31, 2015

2👍 8👎