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Breakfast Pastry

A cyber terrorist: Normally on TikTok and Twitter harassing people he disagrees with. A Breakfast Pastry is always trying to cancel someone and ruin their life because he's a miserable hobbit and his life is sh*tty. This person usually is found with Mrs Potato Head "The nasty Fake doctor" "Rx0rcist.

Breakfast Pastry also mean Sh*t!

ThatDaneshGuy is such a Breakfast Pastry!

Ahhh man I stepped in Breakfast Pastry again!!!

by Chachi55 April 9, 2022

Breakfast Pastry

A cyber terrorist: Normally on TikTok and Twitter harassing people he disagrees with. A Breakfast Pastry is always trying to cancel someone and ruin their life because he's a miserable hobbit and his life is so sh*tty. This person usually is found with Mrs Potato Head "The nasty Fake doctor" "Rx0rcist.

Breakfast Pastry also mean Sh*t!

ThatDaneshGuy is such a Breakfast Pastry!

Ahhh man I stepped in Breakfast Pastry again!!!

by Chachi55 April 9, 2022


Rx0cist: Mrs Potato head 🥔 A woman who claims to be a doctor on twitter and likes to ruin people's lives on TikTok because her marriage is trash. Rx0cist is a vile swamp creature who is buddy buddy with Breakfast Pastry "ThatDaneshGuy" the cyber terrorist. Both are giant piles of 💩 and performative allies and can't be trusted!
Rx0cist also got married on a plantation.

Rx0cist is such a cűńť.

by Chachi55 April 10, 2022

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