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rocket factory

Any place where beautiful women are known to congregate.

Eg: The gym, a yoga/pilates class, girl's college.

"Guys, you need to get to the mall right now! It's a total rocket factory in here! Rockets everywhere, dudes!"

by Chandler1984 March 16, 2009

5👍 3👎


An attractive girl.

"Guys, I spotted a whole swarm of rockets on my run this morning. Must've been the swim team."

1:"Was she cute?"
2:"Hells yeah, son, she was a total rocket."

"This town must have a rocket factory somewhere, these girls are beautiful!"

by Chandler1984 March 16, 2009

155👍 97👎

Bait N' Switch

N. Deceitful social technique used by nubile young twenty-somethings to introduce potential suitors to their friends.

This technique involves an attractive woman hitting on a man. She is the lure, dangling in front of the prey. When the man is significantly invested in the conversation, the woman introduces her friend with the glandular problems and lazy-eye(s). The attractive woman (the bait) disappears and the switch is complete.

Poor Steve found himself a rocket, but she pulled the ol' bait n' switch on him and now he's stuck over there with that tugboat friend of hers.

by Chandler1984 March 16, 2009

20👍 4👎