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1: the nadsat term for money. This word originated in the novel "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess.

2: An obsolete verbal caracature of the word "dang", frequently utilized by individuals pretending to have an accent.

1: "I shived that veck in his merzky yarbles and then went skvat with his yahoody deng!" (I stabbed that man in his testicles and then ran away with his money/jewgold)

2: Person A: "DENG Cleetus! I thought you's a gonna' Milk them thar cats 'fore gramma gits back from the Waffle House! Gitter-Done!"

Person B: "Archibald, I daresay your quaint impersonation of a rural American Southerner is sorely lacking in Auththenticity."

Person A: "Montigue, surely you jest! My oration was of such flawless composition that it would envy even the finest thesbian of vaudville theatre!"

Person B: "I am afraid I must disagree Archibald. You used the word "deng". No one actually uses that term.

Person A: "Ah, I see... I stand corrected. Thank you Montigue."

by ChaosHarlequin February 10, 2011

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