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Jesus Christ, is a savior. He was sent from Heaven by God into the womb of virgin mary. She gave birth to him and named him Jesus. Jesus grew up perfect, all have sinned but him. He is love. Jesus was crucified, beaten, and mocked by Jews, and nailed on a cross to pay for our sins, that anyone who believes in him may be SAVED from hell to live with God eternally in heaven!!3 days later Easter the Messiah rose again and was a miarcle and many bowed and worshiped him! He will be back...Jesus is coming to take those who beleive back to heaven, and that could be the end of the world, Don't be left behind, or gone to hell. Make the descion before its to late, God loves you and is knocking on your heart..."let him in!"

Jesus died for you, live for him.

by CharisXlovesXyou November 7, 2006

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