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Even is a female born male whos got no balls, Even's usually steal the identity of Males named "Evan". The appearance of an Even can be stated as heavy, "Hit Puberty Hard", and Smelly. Even's can be found "Nerding Out" in schools, to prepare for a test or to find out why they don't have balls. Even's are born with balls, like an average human, but as soon as they turn into their pre-teen state, their balls begin to shrink and then pop within a year or two. Once a "Even's" Balls begin to puncture, their cock begins to shrink in inches, then it starts to go to the negatives. Once it reaches at least 4 - 11 inches deep, it stops shrinking. The shrinking creates a hole that can be shapes as another butthole, but then the butthole begins to form into a pussy in 3 weeks from shrinking. Once their penis begins to form into a pussy, they aren't worth to fuck, but their flat ass chest begins to form round hemispheres, kind of like tits. Those hemispheres can be milked, the milk of an Even is very delicious. Right when Even's past this state, they begin to become more female, they then begin to loose their insanity as the process takes over. They try to pretend to be a male named Evan, but they are usually caught in behalf of the school.

Oh wow! Would you look at that, It's Even(Name) "nerding out" again!

by Charles Darwin the Second December 21, 2022