Two for the friend, one in the end
Two for the kitty, one in the shitty
Two for the moose, one in the caboose
Two in the bank, one in the stank
Two in the beaver, one to check for fever
Two in the bush, one in the tush
Two in the cherry, one in the fairy
Two in the coot, one in the poot
Two in the cooter, one in the pooter
Two in the cootie, one in the booty
Two in the crack, one in the back
Two in the cum, one in the bum
Two in the cunt, one to make her grunt
Two in the fun, one in the bun
Two in the giney, one in the hiney
Two in the goo, one in the poo
Two in the gooer, one in the sewer
Two in the grass, one in the ass
Two in the gutter, one in the turdcutter
Two in the hair pie, one in the brown eye
Two in the humper, one in the dumper
Two in the junk, one in the trunk
Two in her meat, one in her seat
Two in the muff, one in the stuff
Two in the pink, one in the stink
Two in the pink slot, one in the stink pot
Two in the play, one in the gay
Two in the pocket, one in the chocolate
Two in the poon, one in the moon
Two in the punanny, one in the fanny
Two in the slit, one in the shit
Two in the sludge, one in the fudge
Two in the snapper, one in the crapper
Two in the snatch, one in the dingleberry patch
Two in the soup, one in the poop
Two in the twat, one to make her say "What?!?!"
Two twixt the flaps, one where she craps
Two where you eat, one in the seat
Two where baby's born, one to fish for corn
Two where she's pinker, one in the stinker
"What the HECK was that"
"That my dear, was... The Shocker"
628👍 222👎