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Most people argue that cheerleading isnt a sport bc its basically a bunch of "slutty" girls jumping around yelling go team go and trying to get laid. YOUR WRONG! I'm not a competive cheerleader but i am a cheerleader for my high school and although that might not be as hard as competive cheerleading it is hard. We practice just as much as the basketball,volleyball,and football players do and we practice just as long. We run, stretch, and lift weights. No we are not aneriex. every girl on my team weighs over a 110 pounds. Most of the girls on my team including me eat just as much as the football players do if not more. if you ever come to camp you wont see one of us without food in our hand thank you very much. You have to have the right technique to lift the girl in the air or else your drop her and that can cause injury. we have to learn over 30 chants and at least 20 cheers and if we dont know them by football season we get yelled at and benched. we have to learn at least 6 dances also. and camp is just as hard as most camps. i dont care if you think "sideline cheering" isnt a sport. but it is hard work and were not stupid sluts that prance around. I have straight A's and you have to keep a 3.0 gpa to stay on the squad. so dont judge cheerleaders just bc u watched a stupid movie that showed cheerleaders being bitchy sluts. b/c were not.

Cheerleading is just as hard as any other SPORT!

by Cheerleader_4_life July 20, 2009

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