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It depends:
Most of the times is used for Jojo references from "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken" aka "Jojo's Bizarre Adventures".

Italian translation of the word "God", creator of all living things in Christian religion.

In Italy is used to indicate amazement, fear, pleasure, anger, and/or other emotions.

Jotaro Kujo to Dio Brando: Dio, you, bastard...!
Joseph to Jotaro: The secret of Dio's stand is ti-... *dies*

An italian person: Oh, mio Dio! Non posso credere che tu l'abbia fatto davvero! (Oh my God! I can't believe that you really did it!)
An italian old men during a card game: "Porco Dio!" (One of the many ways to insult God in Italy. It would be something like "Pig G0d!" In english)

by Chi_te_Senku_la December 2, 2019

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