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fr1ck.mp4 is one of the best meme editors of all time. He should be in ocplebs but I guess he’s too gay or something.
Fr1ck.mp4 needs 100k on Instagram to be in 100k gang.

“fr1ck.mp4? Oh he’s the best memer on insta right?”
“fr1ck.mp4 needs 100k on insta”

by Chodism April 7, 2019


Nitro.if is an average but super funny meme editor on Instagram. No one knows where his ideas come from but they are hella funny. He is currently at 470k followers on insta.

“Holy shit it’s nitro.if! He’s the best memer ever”
“Get nitro.if to 500k”

by Chodism April 8, 2019