"He is my cousin; and, he is only the fastest mouse in all
of Mexico. No! In all of the world."--Slowpoke Rodriquez
SPEEDY GONZALES: "Arriba! Arriba! Andale! Andale! Vamos ahora, muchachos y gauchos."
"...The League of United Latin American Citizens argued that SPEEDY's cleverness and personality was a positive depiction of Mexicans.
-- Wikipedia
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pseudonym; alias; AKA; professional title; assumed name; epithet; label; monicker; handle; nickname; stage name; pen name; nome de plume; alter ego; the artist formerly known as; fictitious id; fake jake; false identity.
"David Bowie performed under his PSEUDO NAME, Ziggy Stardust with The Spiders from Mars."
"With the resurrection of the (New) New York Dolls, David Johansen junked the PSEUDO NAME, Buster Poindexter. Thank God!"
"Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Bengo Cholomongo are PSEUDO NAMES of Chingo Bolemongo and Cholito Hellamongo (et al, ad nauseum)."
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The grisly Russian mass-murderer, Andrei Chikatilo, about whom the 1994 movie, "CITIZEN 'X'" was about.
"That scum murderer ruined the name CITIZEN 'X' when it was appropriated to him by the media. I greatly resent that a murderer is associated with a name otherwise useful to depict an average "Joe Citizen."
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Just a plain old normal dude; an 'everyman'; sample example of standard good citizen.
"The police, who allegedly protect and serve the public welfare, often act as an armed terrorist organization. CITIZEN 'X' has much to legitimately fear when he sees their party lights in his rearview mirror."
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Pigs -- sometimes hair-trigger killers with screamin' amps, party lights and big guns (the bad kind of each) anywhere, but specifically on any of the Hawaiian Islands.
Generally: anyone, anywhere packin' a badge or talkin' to someone who does; Cops; LVPD on bicycles; LAPD; NYPD; Sheriff's Deputy; CHiPs; Highway Patrol; State Police; Texas Ranger; feds; U.S. Marshall; DEA; BATF; undercover detective; the man; gubbamint agent; revenuer; Dog the Bounty Hunter; Officer of the Court; DA, judge; meter maid; security guard; narc; snitch; CI.
Even more broadly: paranoid label for anyone out-of-place in the hood; a person (potential witness) suspected of surveillance; someone who trades their legal troubles for incriminating testimony against someone else.
"This is McGarrett, FIVE-O. You're dusted (busted).
Book'em Dan-O (or Book him, Danno)."
"The Feds are bastards. Even Captain Steve McGarrett of Five-O don't like 'em for their inept and abusive heavy-handed tactics."
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