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“Wod” is a slang word that is typically used in Ireland and Uk, it became popularized by early versions of the “don’t leave me challenge” in the south east of Ireland and quickly spread throughout the county. Wod is typically used the times in a row, e.g “ Wod wod wod”. Is is an abbreviated version of the word “word” - which typicality used in america, it is used as a word of agreement or understanding or when you just don’t know what’s else to say

Guy 1 : Ay yo, I think JJ’s music is trash

Guy 2 : wod wod wod

Mum : I’m going shop I’ll see you later

Kid : wod

Foreign guy : *says something in a language that you don’t understand*
Guy : wod nigga

by CholoGuy99 August 30, 2020

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