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Obama Prism

A 3-dimensional object that has a shape of a square pyramid with different views of Obama's head on each of its lateral faces: front, side (left and right) and back.
No one knows what there's on the square face so three hypotheses can be made: it has a hole for the neck or it doesn't exist at all; there's just missing texture but the face is real; there is default black or other plain colour filling.
It holds the name of "prism" despite being a pyramid because the Internet said so.
Its powers are still a matter of study to this day.

Obamium can be found in Minecraft around level 10-20. When mined, it can be collected as Obama Prism. By putting 9 Obama Prisms in a square shape in the crafting table, the Obama block can be crafted.

by Chuck314 January 11, 2020

10👍 3👎