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The action of a turbo spinning up to a set RPM.

That guy in the Skyline was just spoolin his turbo for those girls.

by Chuckthefuk January 18, 2006

30πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The action of writting a Graffiti writters Tag.

I just got back from taggin the 8th street bridge..

by Chuckthefuk January 16, 2006

132πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

closed eye visuals

Closed-Eye hallucinogenic effects caused by LSD , Shrooms , LSA , Salvia etc..

When the user closes there eyes they will see multi-colored patterns, shapes or images such as "A rainbow spiral of smiley faces "

Commonly the user will see a "rainbow" or "spectrum" of colors such as red, green, orange, yellow and blue.

The more mental power the user has over the substance the more they are able to manipulate there visuals.

After consuming two hits of acid I felt very euphoric. Within twenty minutes I had some really crazy closed eye visuals.

by Chuckthefuk January 18, 2006

47πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


D-lysergic acid amide (Similar to LSD )

A hallucinogenic chemical found in natural plants such as Morning Glory seeds and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

Very weak compared to LSD and produced closed eye visuals and a strong body high. Depending on the dosage LSA can produce hallucinations similar to a small dosage of LSD or Shoorms / Mushrooms that contain psilcybin, psilocin, or baeocystin.

If not prepared correctly LSA can cause severe stomach paints and nausea.

LSA should be prepared with bakerҀ™s chocolate for best results.

LSA Usually last for 6-12 hours depending on the dosage.

Average dosage:

Morning Glory = 300-600 Seeds ( size of poppy seeds )
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds = 5-9 ( size of nerd candy )

LSA gave me some visuals for a few hours.

by Chuckthefuk January 18, 2006

272πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

wild style

A type of graffiti style that is complex and hard to read. Often found on Burners.

Usually the letters will intertwine within itself and often other shapes and lines that have no relation to the letters will overlap or intertwine within each letter. Causing a very "busy" look to the peice.

I just finished a 8 color wild style freight. Solid black outlines with green and yellow fades for the fill..

by Chuckthefuk January 18, 2006

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A word commonly used by guidanceҀ™s councilor Mr. Macky from South Park that refers to okay..

On another note m'kay might be linked to the creators of South Park - Matt Stone / Trey Parker and there love of K / Ketamine

Drugs are bad m'kay.....

by Chuckthefuk January 19, 2006

455πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž