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The action of a turbo spinning up to a set RPM.

That guy in the Skyline was just spoolin his turbo for those girls.

by chuckthefuk January 18, 2006

30šŸ‘ 13šŸ‘Ž


The act of driving around for no reason in a turbocharged vehicle

Tom- hey man what you up to?

Bob-oh nothing Iā€™m just out spoolin around

Bob- hey man wanna go spoolin later?
Tom- sure , that sounds great!

by The Pandrew December 3, 2021


Mainly used south of Tennessee, particularly in Alabama, means to exhibit maximum buffoonery. Related to the northern phrase "wild'n", except the antics are even more excessive.

Paul: "I'll drive for hours to go fishing with you Alabama bro, this is my one week all year that I'm free. You mind if I rig all my rods while we're on the lake though?"

Ben: "HELL NAW!!!! You be Spoolin', Monica!! No cap."

by PL21 November 1, 2023