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In the examples about Neocons in this article I don't see Democrats, as the term Neocon applies to them as well. The hate for Russia in the USA is nothing which started in the early 1960s as the article points out and as well as other articles I have read. The hate for Russia has been in the minds of the US politicians and ordinary people since before the 1917 Russian revolution to debunk the Czars which as in any Anarchy or totalitarian government were abusing the serves or ordinary people. People have forgotten the hate for Russia and communism that took place in the US in the early 1930s culminating in the prosecution of people in the US, whom had communist ideas or Russia’s sympathizers and so the "Hollywood Black List" became into existence which John Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 1924-1972, originated. Neocons have always existed in the US regardless if in government or/and ordinary people.

Most neocons argue that the current crisis in Iraq is all Obama's fault for pulling US troops out of the country.

by Cicuta September 21, 2015

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