That feeling when you are in a heated debate and start rambling, and then you get laughed at for it.
I can't believe I messed up in that argument, they all laughed at me, I feel BimbgusSchneurg.
When someone is in class and has absolutely nothing to do and searched qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and found a urban dictionary definition and read the the top definition and decided to post.
I was so bored I typed in Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
When MrTCo is pretending to be offline on discord and everyone knows that he is online.
"MrTCo is being a total Mogletog right now."
Someone who is extremely attracted to animals such as dogs and is blatantly open about it.
"Oh yeah, Ted? Yeah he is a capycrusader."