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A 4chan term to make fun of Nintendo fans.

"They're really defending Nintendo taking down emulators now? The absolute state of nintendies."

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 7, 2022

i'm trans btw

A phrase used in a mocking sense on 4chan, often as a reply to people to discredit their opinions due to them being transgender.

Due the anonymity on the site, every post looks the same, meaning people can imitate each other at will. So someone who might want to make fun of another person would say this as a reply, imitating an edit or additional note by the original poster.

"I think that the Elden Ring game is good."
"I'm trans btw, not sure if that matters." (<-- not the original poster)

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 4, 2022

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dial 8

Another form of the term Dilate.

This is often used to disguise the word in a place where you would be banned for it or simply to be used in a way that goes over most heads.

(under a transgender individual's post)

"lol, dial 8"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022

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have sex incel

A mocking term used by incels to make fun of people who use the phrase "have sex" as an insult to them.

"'uhmm, why don't you just have sex incel?' That's what YOU sound like!"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 4, 2022

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he does it for free

A term used on 4chan to make fun of the site's volunteer janitors, whom moderate and delete rule breaking posts on the forum for no pay. Hence, "he does it for free".

"Tranny Janny removed my posts again. HE DOES IT FOR FREE!"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022

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When used in the noun sense, refers to a piece of writing, or other media like video and photographs, submitted onto an online platform, like social media, a blog, or a forum.

On certain sites like Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook, it is a single piece of media, and any replies to it are referred as comments.

On Twitter and 4chan, all replies and single pieces of media can be called posts.

Also known as a "thread".

"Dude, did you see my friend's post the other day? It was hilarious!"

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022

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4chan slang when referring to the person reading, AKA, (You). Used differently to the normal word, "you".

"Hey, (You). You're awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush."

by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022