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The main protagonist in Final Fantasy 13, and favorite target of Final Fantasy VII Fankids.

Her personality could be described as cold and stoic, but throughout the game the audience learns of the softer side of her character. She is tall with pink hair and has an athletic build, which is a change because final fantasy female characters mainly have more feminine build.

The game which she features in was average, and appealed to a largely different audience. A sequel of Final Fantasy 13 has been announced in which lightning will return.

FFVII Fankids hate lightning due to her looking vaguely similar to their god, Cloud Strife. She shares minor personality similarities too (is it just me or do all main protagonists in this franchise have the same personality traits?). In fact FFVII fankids refuse to accept that Square Enix has made any good games since the nineties.

Example 1:

Fangirl: OOOEEMMGEEE wasn't like FF13 the best game ever?!?! Although i have only played this game, i love all Final fantasy games because they are all the same...

Me: Yeah it was alright... She is pretty hot though-


Example 2:

Me: Man, i need to grind some cp. Lightning's levels are pretty low...

FFVII Fankid: Lightning sucks ass. Final fantasy 13 sucks ass. She is EXACTLY like Cloud. Square Enix is dead to me. Square Soft all the way!!! I'm going to go masturbate to pictures of cloud now.

Me: Riiight.

by Clairesfocus69 July 9, 2011

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