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faggot dick

A faggot's dick.

Your dick is a faggot dick, faggot.

Based not solely on the fact that you are a faggot, but also on the assumption that you are a male and thus have a dick, one must conclude that you have a faggot dick.

by Clarken January 16, 2011

23👍 11👎

corn cougar

- noun, plural -gars, (especially collectively), -gar

1. The single most terrifying creature ever to exist.

2.Created in a Iowa State University laboratory, bio engineered to depopulate deer from corn fields, the corn cougar has been the cause of several children's death since being released into the wild.

3. A sexually active (50-63 year old) woman who stalks the rows in search of youthful field workers.

News anchor: We'll take you to Ottumwa, Iowa now, where a corn cougar carrying around the intestines of a 5-year-old Ottumwan girl was shot dead in a field this afternoon. We go to Tom for more. Tom?

Tom: This is no aroused housewife with a sweat fetish, folks. The beast of all beasts has struck again.

Gardangit, all this corn pluckin' makes me horny. You seen any corn cougars aroun' here, Chuck?

by Clarken February 25, 2011

8👍 4👎