A man who has monster drinks as his blood. Plastic chains as his veins. Camo sagging joggers with military boots. A black jacket unzipped with a white shirt inside. Uses a motorcycle helmet even though he only rides a black bicycle. He's american. He's blonde. He talks like a surfer boi. And he vapes too so, yeh.
Kyle : sick vibes dude
Kyle 2 : yeh vibes, vibes.
Kyle : just got these black airpods for like $350 dude.
Kyle 2 : damn son, i only have white ones.
Better version of Pixel Worlds, which is a copy of the OG Growtopia. Growtopia is a 2D Game that is amazing but has a terrible community. Time to time players call each other noobs for the random reason of having none or less world locks than them. World locks are the currency in Growtopia. With a cost of 2,000 gems in the GT Store. The game itself has many updates and constant events. By the time i post this a Pandemic event is going on in June 2019. There are several items that relate to real life culture, like Thor's mjolnir, Dumbo's ears, Doctor Strange's cape and robe, goku's hair, and plenty more.
Guy 1: Yo check out Pixel Wor-
Guy 2: No..Growtopia is better...you fucking noob...
2👍 5👎