America is the land of the free, founded through revolution from high british taxation.
However, a nation of hypocrites, as it taxes are now higher than that which caused its start.
It is a nation of patriots, even if they'll shoot each other for an extra buck.
It is a nation which can own guns, and cannot see that owning a gun mostly prevents crime.
America seems like the riches nation on earth, even as it is the poorest by terms of debt-to-GDP.
America is a land of easy money, where elected officials are paid $150,000+ for life to be corrupt and not show up for work at any time.
It is a place where the media is run by the big business, which runs the country.
It is a land that is very diverse, yet easily travelled.
It is a land, young in time, made wise by war, and yet still makes foolish decisions.
A country built for and run by the banks.
Yet in all this, corruption, false ways, and evil doings, America still sucks less.
If the world were given a test, America would get a solid B.
Guy: Man America hates change.
Constitution: Yes, we do.
Britain: Look at America, stealing all of our credit after WW2.
Germany: You know you wouldn't have won without them, considering we were at your doorstep ready to get inside.
Soviet Union: We hate eachodderz guts.
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