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A mostly Latino and Hispanic insulting slang term that means but is not limited to: whore; bitch; a low class, uneducated woman that cusses too much and fucks anything that moves; a woman who uses public housing, uses britto handbags, drives a Toyota Yaris and has music loud enough to be heard by anything with ears within a 10 mile radius of her car; a fat, uneducated poor female gold-digger; a 19 year old low class uneducated whore who has 4 kids, who are all from different baby-daddies that are nowhere to be seen.

Note: it is a misconception that "yal" means "girl" or baby"

The slang term for girl or baby is "jeva" in some south-american countries, because in some Caribbean islands "jeva" means friends with benefits or girlfriend

Man, just look at that yal, she can barely bit her fat-ass in her Yaris.

by Cobruh October 11, 2014

160๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pregnancy Test

accident indicator

Woman: my pregnancy test came out positive

Man: ive made a mistake

by Cobruh March 6, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


In the U.S, the bit is equal to 1/8 of a dollar or 12.5 cents. In the U.S., the "bit" as a designation for money dates from the colonial period, when the most common unit of currency used was the Spanish dollar, also known as "piece of eight", which was worth 8 Spanish silver reales. One eighth of a dollar or one silver real was one "bit".

With the adoption of the decimal U.S. currency in 1794, there was no longer a coin worth of a dollar but "two bits" remained in the bit and 15ร‚ยข a long bit.

Robert Louis Stevenson describes his experience with bits in Across the Plains, p. 144:1
In the Pacific States they have made a bolder push for complexity, and settle their affairs by a coin that no longer exists รขย€ย“ the BIT, or old Mexican real. The supposed value of the bit is twelve and a half cents, eight to the dollar. When it comes to two bits, the quarter-dollar stands for the required amount. But how about an odd bit? The nearest coin to it is a dime, which is, short by a fifth. That, then, is called a SHORT bit. If you have one, you lay it triumphantly down, and save two and a half cents. But if you have not, and lay down a quarter, the bar-keeper or shopman calmly tenders you a dime by way of change; and thus you have paid what is called a LONG BIT, and lost two and a half cents, or even, by comparison with a short bit, five cents.

Can I borrow two-bits man, im short on change

by Cobruh October 23, 2014

87๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž