Source Code

$5 dollars to put an ad here!

Urban dicktionary's self promo
Found on pages where no adverts load, and urban dictionary fills it with a box telling you to buy ads on the website, for five dollars a day
* The more common variant is "advertise here for $5 a day", and there are also merch with the definitions on it *

User: "iuaervipandpgvaheihgmpaeimrgh"
Urban Dictionary: When you're bored.
Also Urban D. : $5 dollars to put an ad here!

by Cod3Play September 30, 2022


The multiocular o.

Looks like a seven-eyed demon, or a frogspawn.

It was only used once and replaces the letter "o"

серафими многоꙮчитїи (serafimi mnogoočitii, “many-eyed seraphim”)

by Cod3Play February 11, 2023


The first person one encounters, either after leaving one's home or (sometimes) outside one's home, especially on New Year's Day.

P1: Man, that qualtagh was annoying!
P2: Who was it?
P1: The neighbour's kid.

by Cod3Play October 22, 2022


When you:
are an immature child

can't spell Among Us correctly
have a really bad sense of humour

random kid: hehe amoguns
other kid: HAHAHA amoguns
me: -_-

by Cod3Play January 15, 2023


The number you get when you add 1+12+123+1234+12345+123456+1234567+12345678+123456789

137,174,205 is a pretty cool number. It's also a colour code, #89AECD, which is a pastel blue colour

by Cod3Play December 27, 2023


ℴmg it's a fancy ℴ
Perhaps it cℴuld help avℴid a word being blocked in chat

apparently lℴve is a bad word
I **** yℴu

sℴ yℴu can type
I lℴve yℴu

by Cod3Play January 14, 2023


Stands for "Monday left me broken", which is a lyric from the popular song "Waiting For Love" by Avicii

mlmb 😔😿

by Cod3Play May 12, 2024