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A game that's similar to Minecraft, but with worse graphics, 2D gameplay (yes, 2D still exists in the 21st century, though it shoudn't), and overall bad design. Not a very interesting game, but can get very addicting.

Other guy: Cmon, let's play some Terraria

Me: Why, so I can play Minecraft with less features and dimensions? No thank you.

by Colder September 19, 2011

46πŸ‘ 652πŸ‘Ž

It really do be like that sometimes

A catchphrase made famous by the Dr. Phil m&m, typically spoken in a fake Italian accent. Very therapeutic as it can be used to describe any situation.

Man, my girl ghosted me and told me she needed some time to herself, turns out she been cheating on me all along

Γ’Β€ΒœDamn, it really do be like that sometimesҀ

by Colder October 2, 2018

148πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


An offensive, racist word for a Latino person (i.e. Mexico, Puerto Rico, South America).
It was originally spelled spick, a contraction of "Spanish Mick" (Mick being slang for an Irishman). Since both Irish and Hispanics are Catholic, as opposed to Anglo-American Protestants, people stereotyped Spanish and Irish into a single group based on their faith, hence Spanish Mick, or spick.

Redneck: Damn dirty spics! Thinking they can take MY hard-earned money for welfare!

by Colder November 17, 2011

22πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


Euphemism for bisexual.

A term that implies a person is not quite heterosexual, but not quite bisexual. In reality, however, a "bicurious" person is really just a closet bisexual who won't admit it. We don't have homocurious or heterocurious, so why bicurious?

Friend: I'm not bisexual, I'm bicurious. I don't have sex with men, I'm just attracted to some of them.

Me: Oh yeah? So if I was attracted to women, but didn't have sex with them, what would that make me? Heterocurious?

Face it, bicurious is just a buzzword.

by Colder November 14, 2011

32πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


A piece of crystal meth, a psychedelic stimulant, named for the shard-like crystals. Has nothing to do with shitting in your pants while farting, that's shart.

He deals some good shards, want a fix?

by Colder April 17, 2011

214πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


Good luck have batman, a variant of GLHF coined by LifesAGlitchTV. Usually said at the start of a Starcraft II match to be friendly and sportsmanlike to your opponent.

player1: GLHF
player2: GLHB to you too!
player1: What??
player2: Good luck have batman
player1: Oh okay, you too I guess

by Colder November 2, 2011

14πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž


1. A region in the Southeast Pacific Ocean, including Australia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and New Zealand

2. A fictional superpower in Nineteen Eighty-four that controls the Anglosphere, Latin America, and South Africa. Ruled by the authoritarian doctrine of Ingsoc, or English socialism.

1. I live in Oceania

2. Oceania's official language is Newspeak

by Colder June 3, 2011

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž