A strand of weave from a black woman's hair on the ground, found mostly on sidewalks in public places. They have a long life span being made of plastic. Harmless and non venomous all Urban Snakes tend to be marked differently. Some Urban Snakes have beads, other shells, the tail is usually burnt or caped with tinfoil and a bead. The head of the Urban Snake is much larger and usually frayed. If encountered just back away slowly, it will be gone in a few days.
I was walking down the sidewalk in Atlanta, Georgia today when I almost stepped on a Urban Snake. She was a gorgeous example with a tight braid and three beads red, yellow, and green. I later saw a pigeon fly it off to be used in its nest.
Slowmosexuals are people who drive at least ten mph below the speed limit during peak traffic hours. They get off, causing needless road rage to those stuck behind them. They also flirt with other slow drivers by slow racing when multiple lanes of traffic exist so no one can pass
The slowmosexual in front of me was driving fifteen miles per hour below the speed limit. They let everyone cut them off and would slam on the breaks for no reason. When they were making a left, they sat at the green light, ignoring the honking cars behind them, and finally went once the light turned yellow.