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Gender is not a social construct, gender is biological just like sex, however, they are not the same thing and should not be used interchangeably. Gender is between your ears, not your legs.

Everyone has a gender and a sex, but they don't always match each other, this is why some people wish to alter their bodies or change the way they present themselves to society. Contrary to popular belief, there are more than just two genders. Some people don't identify as male or female, some people identify as both. Gender is not always black and white, there are gray areas too.
Sex isn't always black and white either, there are men who have XXY chromosomes, and women with internal testes. There are species that can literally change sex in a heartbeat, such as clownfish.

Person A: You were born with a vagina, so you're a girl!
Person B: No, I'm a boy, because my gender identity is male.
Person A: I identify as a blue whale, does that mean I am one?
Person B: You are twisting words, I do not identify as any animal other than human, so no, you are not a blue whale. I am male because that is what my gender identity is.

by Colin077 May 7, 2016

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