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A Mario Maniac that loves Troopa Koopas. And also some dude from AWN.

Hey, it's Kooper133, the Mario Maniac!

by Colossus August 29, 2003

2👍 1👎


In the video game halo, "to tag" is to attach a plasma (sticky) grenade to your opponent, resulting in their ultimate demise.

Oh shit, man. You tagged that elite like it was your JOB!

by Colossus August 5, 2004

9👍 20👎


F*@# Billy' sister in Butt

Martin: "Hey Billy you know your hot sister will I'm goin to FBSIB her."
Billy:"Martin im goin to kick your ass (as billys face gets all read)"
Martin"FBSIB, you jabroni"

by Colossus April 2, 2005

6👍 13👎


Being incredibly strong, like the marvel super hero

Ive been working out so now im Colossus and i could destroy you

by Colossus August 4, 2003

27👍 12👎


In the video game Halo, to attack using the butt of your weapon (a melee attack), specifically from behind, resulting in an immediate kill.

I can't believe you just tagged 4 elites in a row!

by Colossus August 5, 2004

3👍 27👎


The nickname for an annoying little guy who got balls in his mouth. Also has a small penis.

See also: Adrian Lopez.

Haha, look at Teabag. He got big black testicles in his mouth.

by Colossus April 21, 2005

22👍 37👎