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Someone who always worries about the time, especially when something has to be done at a certain time…not a minute early or late.

My routine schedule has affected me so much, I can come off as a bit clockey to others.

by CommaRealichi September 1, 2022


to use potting soil as crafts, often attracting unexpected creatures, such as birds, worms, ants, and flies.

When I saw him trying to poiliate his project, I waited for a bird to peck him on the nose.

by CommaRealichi October 19, 2013


Usually used to identify when the destination is very far away, but still clearly visible.

I looked out towards the empty canyon, and spotted a patch of greenery afrod from my location.

by CommaRealichi September 3, 2022


the state of being stuck in a dream world permanently

synonyms: hallucinating, imagining, coma, drunk-dreaming, unconsciousness
antonyms: real-life, wide-awake, realization, reality, three-dimensional
misspellings: afhistion, aphestion, aphiston, ahitsib, afjs

After being hit on the head, the poor man was in aphistion, without moving.

by CommaRealichi October 20, 2013


To make people feel bad or embarrassed over something strange

In order to ruin the talent show for everyone, Mark smashed the spotlights to the point of no return, insparcicling the kids who danced.

by CommaRealichi May 31, 2014


A beach covered in snow in the winter.

Grab your ice-skates, because we’re heading to the sneach.

by CommaRealichi February 7, 2020

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