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The cutest couple on the planet. Other couples are often jealous of their relationship and this often manifests itself as hatred of Travella.

Person 1: Aw, there goes Travella walking down the sidewalk, holding hands! How adorable!

Person 2: I agree! But wait! Who are those two other gross "people" following them?

Person 1: I'm not entirely sure, but based on the general hatred in their eyes, I'm guessing that they are jealous of Travella.

Person 2: Oh, that must be Mewman. It's pretty sad how bad they have Travella envy.

by ConcernedUCStudent December 2, 2011


A disgusting coupling of a gargoyle and a smelly man-beast. Normally, the smell of the man-beast and the gargoyle's natural repulsion would chase off potential mates. This relationship, however, works solely because of two things: 1. the gargoyle's obvious lack of olfactory senses and 2. the man-beast is getting sex from the gargoyle which makes him happy (there is not much research on point two, but scientists have come to this conclusion based on the available data).

Person 1: Gross! Did you see that picture of the gargoyle and the man-beast in the tree?

Person 2: Yeah, but don't worry, it's just Mewman trying to be as cute as Travella.

Person 1: Hahahaha what an epic fail on Mewman's part!

Person 2: Indeed good sir, indeed.

by ConcernedUCStudent December 2, 2011

1👍 2👎


A disgusting coupling of a gargoyle and a smelly man-beast. Normally, the smell of the man-beast and the gargoyle's natural repulsion would chase off potential mates. This relationship, however, works solely because of two things: 1. the gargoyle's obvious lack of olfactory senses and 2. the man-beast is getting sex from the gargoyle which makes him happy (there is not much research on point two, but scientists have come to this conclusion based on the available data).

Person 1: Gross! Did you see that picture of the gargoyle and the man-beast in the tree?

Person 2: Yeah, but don't worry, it's just Newchelle trying to be as cute as Travella.

Person 1: Hahahaha what an epic fail on Newchelle's part!

Person 2: Indeed good sir, indeed.

by ConcernedUCStudent December 2, 2011

Turn Around!

The mating call of the wild gargoyle. Society as a whole is generally confused as to what this mating call is in reference to, but public figures (Oprah, Charlie Sheen, and Tom Hanks) are on record stating that the act involves a strap-on.

*Heard from behind a closed door*
Gargoyle: Turn Around!
Man-Beast: Sometimes I feel like mating with you isn't quite natural....
Gargoyle: THINK I CARE?!?!???
*Sounds of moaning and crying follow*

by ConcernedUCStudent December 2, 2011

10👍 6👎