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Rockaway Borough

Rockaway Borough is a town in North-Western New Jersey, with a population of 5000 or something. 973 is the superior phone code, as all know. Perhaps 862 if you're a plebian. The town's mayor as of mid 2024 is some kind looking old guy. There's a couple schools from elementary to high school, and everybody knows that Hills > Knolls. Morris Hills is far superior to Morris Knolls as Hills at least do not produce drug dealers, and have a slightly competent soccer team. Thomas Jefferson Middle School is the complete opposite of the Rockaway Township dwelling Copeland Middle School. While there is similarities regarding the two schools as both have horrible people, Copeland is just on a different level. The amount of gang violence, bullying, and degeneracy going on within the district of Copeland is horrible. Rockaway Borough's residents are either extremely wealthy people who don't care about anything, normal middle class folk, or middle class teenagers who partake in vile actions. As well as having a somewhat regular society in the Borough, there is also have the much better recreational soccer team than others in the Morris County area. The Police Department and other emergency services actually do their job and are responsible, in large contrast from the incompetent Township Police.

Regular person > You hear about that giant smoking problem in Rockaway?
Crazed maniac > Yeah, the one with the quick check, Rockaway Borough?
Regular person > No, troglodyte. The drug-capitol of the world, Rockaway Township.

by ConfusedG May 14, 2024

Minecraft Legacy Console Edition

The best version of Minecraft released to date.

Somebody - Yo what version of Minecraft do you play?

His Friend - Minecraft Legacy Console Edition, the game that got discontinued to make some sped EA minecraft.
Somebody - You are the best person, definitely better than any Bedrock speds and Java coomers.

by ConfusedG December 28, 2022