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“Not a holiday” person

A Jehovah’sWitness.

Hey Caren, what are you wearing to the Christmas party?

Christmas party???? Come on Linda, you know I don’t celebrate like that. For the last time I am “not a holiday” person!

by Constantcomment January 27, 2025


When you do absolutely anything you can, regardless of ethics or appropriateness to obtain attention, whether it's negative or positive. In context it means "I don't care what kind of negative press I got, because I did those things to get attention and they served my purposes anyway" or "that's why I do those stupid things". In Hollywood, they believed for a long time that any press was good press. It's kind of the same thing, only it's more sinister and can involve doing things that adversely affect or upset a large portion of the population, as upsetting them is one way to get attention from them and thereby validate your self importance.

"Despite all the negative press, covfefe"

by Constantcomment June 1, 2017

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