If you are reading this then that means you get the world record for the most bored person in the world. I was also super bored because I added this to the urban dictionary. If you are still bored or procrastinating then try typing âany word hereâ into the search bar.
George was so bored that he decided to type âqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqqazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpplmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaqqazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolpplmnkoijbvhuygcxftrdzsewaqâ into urban dictionary to see what would come up. The super bored motherflipper read the entire definition and example.
Someone who makes lots of memes. They are the same as memers and memists.
I was unemployed so I decided to become a memeisseur
A censored version of poop that little, midget, wimp kids use.
I did a p**p
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