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Molly is genuinely one of the best people you will ever meet, she can appear quiet or reserved but once you get to know her you'll find out that she is an absolute weirdo! She is book smart and will always beat you in tests but when it comes to common sense the opposite is always true. She can be forgetful but this shouldn't be taken to mean that she is not thoughtful. She will always think of her friends in everything she does, from sending you that meme she knows you'll love to going out of her way to find you the perfect Christmas present. She might not always show it but she really does care about those who are close to her, but often she will deny these claims with a laugh. She has a very subjective sense of humour and once you get to know her you will understand her jokes from the well thought out one-liners to the God-awful dad jokes. You have the best inside jokes together mainly because Molly is liable to do something incredibly stupid because her motto is do it for the vine Molly may be kind but that doesn't mean she is forgiving, she can be known to hold grudges over things as small as a 'borrowed' pen or forgetting to wish her happy birthday, so be warned she is not somebody you want to mess with!

In short, Molly might take a while to open up but once she does you will find the most wonderfully weird, funny, thoughtful people you will ever meet.

Person A: I lost my favourite pen, it was blue and had blue sparkles on it
-sometime later-
Person B: Remember when you lost your pen 3 months ago, well I saw one just like it and I got it for you, Merry Christmas!

Person A:OMG tysm you're a real Molly

by Copperfox44 November 15, 2019