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a peice of food which someone has farted on

bro, i fartloafed on obama's gay energy drink

by CordialChicken March 14, 2015


A buttocks that has such beautiful curvature it allures one to let it rest in their hand.

"The Rumpwank mesmerized the group of pubescent high schoolers as they stretched their necks to see it slip past the wall and out of sight."

by CordialChicken November 6, 2014


1. The act of farting during sex. verb

2. A person who flings his dong around. noun

3. Describing someone whose butt itches frequently. adjective

"Dude mike's mom totally binkled on me last night!"

"Lady gaga is a binkle!"

"Bro his ass is binkly..."

by CordialChicken August 15, 2014

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