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Conspiracy Theorist

A person who believes that he holds the "absolute truth" and all those around who disagree with him are either naive , oblivious to the "truth" or just bought off by the clandestine organizations who pull the "strings of humanity" and manipulate events in order to achieve word domination. Such beliefs along with the feeling of persecutions could be linked to paranoia and various forms of delusion. Critical thinking should not be confused with consiracy theorism since the supreme majority of the conspiracists believe many things that are pure fiction and are more than willing to eat up everything that fits their story, even when that's debunked.

- A typical conspiracy theorist is characterized by belief in chemtrails, New World Order domination, Illuminati, zionists, freemasons and other "secret" organizations, denial of the 9/11 attacks, moonlanding, climate change and many a more.

by CorruptedSoul February 1, 2016

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