Source Code


My friends' and me's code word for smoking pot.

I hung out with Chelsea and Kristina yesterday. We didn't do much, knitted and then spent about $100 at Taco Bell.

by CouRtney January 15, 2005

16πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

baby batter

jizz, cum, ejaculation, sperm, man juice, ect...

Get me a kleenex to clean up this baby batter!

by CouRtney January 27, 2004

65πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Council Bluffs

A dirty white trash place on the other side of the Missouri River from Omaha. Known also as 'the leech town', it trys to suck it's fame off of Omaha. Home of trailer parks, crappy truck stops, and mulleted people who let their kids play with thier toys in the front lawn in thier diapers. See also 'Counciltucky'.

Ew! What's that smell? Oh, it must be Council Bluffs.

by CouRtney December 17, 2003

119πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž

koopsta knicca

A rapper who use to be with Triple Six Mafia. He usually had a satanic voice when he rapped. His best album was his first underground album Da Devil's Playgrond. After he quit 3-6 he made two albums by himself, but they weren't as well written.

Damn Koopsta Knicca always says some crazy ass shit.

by CouRtney March 11, 2005

117πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

the young and the hopeless

the greatest cd ever made.

i'm going to listen to the young and the hopeless.

by CouRtney November 20, 2004

11πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A dirty, kinky as fuck little boy who is obsessed with cleveland steamers; especially from Carlos, those are his favorite, Ones the size of the shire. Frannys are prone to giving half in halfs to anyone who asks ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!!!

He's a total Franny, did you see him with Carlos the other night?

by CouRtney January 20, 2004

9πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


bret siljer

fuck ya'll, bringin dat shit on me...whats yo fuckin deal biotch?
-a quote from the white boy, bret siljer

by CouRtney January 17, 2004