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fags that are so fuckin scared they can't even accept theres a God. Thet think some huge ass explosion a gagillion years ago somehow created everything in their body, on Earth, and in the whole fucking universe to work out as perfect as it does. (how the stars revolve, how our body and animals bodies work so perfectly, etc.) Also, the kind of people I LOVE to beat thew living fuck out of with my friends. satanists also make metal look evil, even though all the Satanic bands suck major ass except 2, Slayer and Lamb Of God.

christian: God created you. get over it.
satanist: no he didn't! A big explosion made me from some dirt and dust!
Christian:Really? a blast of fire also created all your organs to work in unison with each other?
satanist:yeah! Theres no way some higher being made me, even though thats more plausible than EVERYTHING on earth and in space being created by an explosion!
Christian: go masturbate to yourself then if you love you so damn much you stuck up bastard!
satanist: how'd you know I jack of to me? holy shit! are you God?! I BELEIVE NOW!

by CowboyFromHell April 3, 2008

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