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Hotel California

Hotel California is written by a band called the eagles. There is much agurement of the overall meaning. What i have pulled out of the song is being trapped in fame, for example you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave (meaning you wont be left alone/forgotten). Another line in this song is up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light, meaning being drawn in by the beauty and money and wanting it all. Such a lovely place, meaning a lovely life that only the bystanders see. I was thing to myself this could be heaven or hell, being good or bad. Basically overall saying the horrors behind the scenes the bystanders dont see. I had to find the passage back to the place i was before, finally realizing they did not want this after all.

Hotel California

A song realizing what they want and now cant handle

by Cozi.tan May 26, 2015

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