When you need a mirror to see your genitals.
syn: Mirroritis
He's so fat, he's got Mirror Disease.
16👍 6👎
burns: wait a minute, i don't remember writing a cheque for bowling!
smithers: uh, sir, that's for your boweling
burns: ah yes, that's very important
smithers: remember that month you didn't do it?
burns: yes...that was unpleasant for all concerned
80👍 20👎
when you need a mirror to see your genitals
syn: Mirror Disease
he's so fat, he has Mirorritis
15👍 5👎
A Chicago-ism for moving from the pussy to the ass during sex. As in transferring from the red to the brown.
(katy): one of his coworkers buddies met this older chick at a bar in the burbs
(katy): and they ended up going back to his brother's basement to fuck on hte couch
(katy): and they're going at it, and she asks him to put in in her pooper
(katy): so he did ("the fullerton transfer")
14👍 7👎