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Despite the previous definition, (which also happens to be spelled incorrectly - ie: Foosa), this animal does indeed exist. It is NOT however a slang term used to refer to hyenas, as previously stated. Many people have recently been introduced to this animal by the movie "Madagascar." The Fossa(Cryptoprocta ferox)is the largest carnivore endemic to the island of Madagascar, and is a catlike member of the civet family. It usually hunts alone and commonly feeds on birds and lemurs but also preys on livestock. This is precisely why the lemur characters in the movie were always afriad of "The Fossa!"

For an expanded definition and pictures of the Fossa please see Encyclopedia Brittanica online.

"We thank you with enormous gratitude for chasing away the fossa (foo-sah).
- Julian

by CrrrlyGirl March 18, 2008

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