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Stands for ‘middle aged white man syndrome’

1. MAWM who refuse to wear a mask because it infringes on their ‘constitutional rights’
2. MAWM who claim to have a disability to get out of wearing a mask
3. MAWM who shouts ‘all lives matter’
4. MAWM who think that all women are inferior

5. MAWM who loves to mansplain

6. MAWM who doesn’t understand science but touts his memes with ferocity

7. MAWM who drive and park like assholes because all of us are in their way

8. MAWM who think that ‘boys will be boys’
9. MAWM who claim to stop watching and supporting MLB and the NFL because of players taking a knee (although everyone knows they still watch)

Chad refuses to wear a mask because he has MAWMS.

by CryMeARiver615 July 27, 2020

1👍 8👎