Double Digit Kyu Player, in the game of Go.
In Go, the strength of a player is expressed either in a number of kyu (= step) or in dan (= level).
When you merely know the rules, you are about 45 kyu.
As you learn, you will increase your strength, and will go through 44 kyu, 43 kyu . . . 1 kyu, 1 dan, 2 dan . . .
It is easier to increase your strength from 45 kyu to 35 kyu than from 35 kyu to 25 kyu. So, you start out as a DDK and then become a SDK (single digit kyu) before you become a dan player.
The difference in strength can be measured in the difference in score: one kyu difference corresponds to about 10 points difference on a 19x19 board. A 20 kyu player is 1 kyu better than a 19 kyu player. A 1 dan is 1 kyu better than a 1 kyu player. A 2 dan player is 1 kyu (or 1 dan) better than a 1 dan player, etc.
You need about 9 handicap stones on a 9x9 board against a 1 dan. It will take you not more than 5 games to win. By that time you are about 40 kyu. If you are about 20 kyu, you will need 9 handicap stones on a 13x13 board against a 1 dan. If you win, you are about 19 kyu. If you are about 10 kyu, you will 9 handicap stones on a 19x19 board against a 1 dan. If you win, you are about 9 kyu.
Since all strengths are relative, there is some dispute over what the strength of a 1 dan is, it depends in what club or country you play; but the above system will guarantee that it is not that much of a difference (perhaps a few kyu at the most).
You: What is Go?
I: It's a board game.
You: You must be good, I see you win all the time. You're like operating the Dark Side of the Force . . .
I: I am lucky, I am just a DDK.
You: How come you win then?
I: Playing black, I get a handicap against stronger players. That's fun, because If I played an even game without handicap, I'd never win.
When sbd finds a purpose or use for something that everybody else has overlooked.
The first example of the idiom used this way, occurred when somebody created a puzzle from Rubik's Snake, of which Rubik himself claimed that it isn't a puzzle:
"The snake is not a problem to be solved; it offers infinite possibilities of combination. It is a tool to test out ideas of shape in space." See Washington Post, Oct 4, 1981: Rubik's Snake of 'Infinite Possibilities'. Notwithstanding these properties, it turns out to be a puzzle as well.
Look for the book "Soul of the Snake" by CubeMan69, at the Lulu book store, by August 2022.
Sam: You've got so many books lying around.
Yvette: Right?
Sam: I broke it. I used one of them as a coaster, see? (Putting his beer on it.)
Yvette: Right!